(2) Angelina E. Rumengan
(3) Dodi P. Yani
(4) Muhamad Sigid Safarudin
(5) Suroto Suroto
*corresponding author
AbstractE-commerce is one of the application platforms that support digital-based marketing. The development of e-commerce from year to year is increasing, which is influenced by the development of information technology and the internet. The development of the internet has caused a shift in human activities from offline to online. During the Covid 19 pandemic, the growth of e-commerce has also increased sharply. The Covid 19 pandemic has caused a shift in human habits in purchasing goods from offline to online. This research develops a prototype e-commerce application to support digital-based marketing and conducts usability testing of the developed application using the SUS (System Usability Scale) scale. Based on the analysis and calculation of the SUS scale score, a score of 77.03 is obtained, meaning that the application is functionally good and acceptable to users and shows that using e-commerce applications supports digital-based marketing and affects the increase in marketing and sales
KeywordsE-Commerce; Marketing; Digital
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.29099/ijair.v6i1.2.1010 |
Article metrics10.29099/ijair.v6i1.2.1010 Abstract views : 136 | PDF views : 35 | PDF views : 4 |
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