(2) Firmansyah Y.A Firmansyah Y.A

*corresponding author
AbstractThe abstract must be between 150–250 words. Be sure that you adhere
to these limits; otherwise, you will need to edit your abstract accordingly. The abstract must be written as one paragraph, and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in human resource management (HRM) is gaining increasing attention, with many organizations recognizing its potential to enhance operational efficiency. The majority of respondents in this study demonstrate awareness of AI, with more than half understanding the technology and its functions in the context of HRM. Most respondents hold a positive view towards AI adoption, with over 60% believing that AI can improve organizational efficiency. Key benefits identified include time savings in recruitment, improved data analytics, and more accurate employee turnover predictions. However, despite the widespread support for AI, some concerns remain. About 12% of respondents expressed concerns regarding algorithmic bias that may arise in AI-driven decision-making processes, as well as challenges in safeguarding employee privacy. These issues highlight the importance of caution when implementing AI, ensuring that the technology does not exacerbate inequalities or infringe upon individual privacy. Overall, the survey results reflect a generally positive attitude towards AI, while also emphasizing the need for a more cautious approach in its application. Organizations must address ethical and privacy concerns and ensure that AI is used to support fair and transparent decision-making KeywordsArtificial Intelligence (AI) , Human Resource Management (HRM), Recruitment Efficiency, Algorithmic Bias, Employee Privacy
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.29099/ijair.v8i1.1.1314 |
Article metrics10.29099/ijair.v8i1.1.1314 Abstract views : 88 | PDF views : 11 |
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