A Novel Method for L Band SAR Image Segmentation Based on Pulse Coupled Neural Network

(1) * Harwikarya Harwikarya Mail (Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia)
(2) Sabar Rudiarto Mail (Universitas Mercu Buana, Indonesia)
(3) Glorin Sebastian Mail (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
*corresponding author


Pulse Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) is claimed as a third generation neural network. PCNN has wide purpose in image processing  such as segmentation, feature extraction, sharpening etc.  Not like another neural network architecture, PCNN do not need training. The only weaknes point  of PCNN is parameter tune due to  seven parameters in its five equations. In this research we proposed a novel method for segmentation based on modified PCNN.  In order to evaluate the proposed method, we processed L Band Multipolarisation  Synthetic Apperture Radar Image. The Results showed all area extracted both by using PCNN and ICM-PCNN from the SAR image are match to the groundtruth. There fore the proposed method is work properly.

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Biological Inspired Intelligence




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