(2) Siska Agnes (Computer Science, Subang University, Indonesia)
(3) Santi Purwanti (Computer Science, Subang University, Indonesia)
(4) Tawseef Shaikh Ayoub (Baba Ghulam Shah BAdshah University Jammu & Kashmir, India)
*corresponding author
AbstractThe availability of certified seeds is a very important strategy to maintain food security. When farmers plant their farms with certified seeds, it can increase the production yields grown by farmers. To answer the availability of sources according to the needs of farmers or consumers, it is necessary to design an information system for forecasting the demand for certified seeds, with a methodology Rational Unified Process (RUP) so that this method can be useful to identify the system that is running and can describe the system to be built. Meanwhile, to produce an estimate of the demand for certified seeds, a linear regression approach will be used which will be included in the design of the system. The design of this system will produce a function to assist producer farmers in estimating certified seed production, assisting the availability of certified seed information for consumers, and assisting the PSBTPH Installation in the Subang Region in carrying out evaluation and monitoring. |
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.29099/ijair.v5i2.235 |
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