The Influence of Work Culture and Work Discipline on Employee Performance With Employee Loyalty as a Moderating Variable at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) Kebun Hapesong

(1) * Safrida Safrida Mail (Faculty of Economic and Business Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


This study put into practice decimal evaluation methods. decimal evaluation disposition is individual classification of evaluation whose particularizations are systematic, well-planned and understandably organic from the commencement to the manufacturing of the evaluation design. The consequences of the evaluation The fundamental possibility planned state of affairs that changeable elbow grease Culture(X2) has a substantial effecton the worker accomplishment changeable (Y). The secondment possibility deposit forward-moving state of affairs that changeable elbow grease drilling (X2) substantial effecton the worker accomplishment changeable (Y). The thirdly possibility planned state of affairs that elbow grease sophistication (X1) and elbow grease drilling (X2) tally a considerable concatenation response simultaneously (simultaneously) on the worker accomplishment changeable (Y). The one-quarter possibility deposit forward-moving state of affairs that changeable worker dependability (Z)is a arbitrator changeable that lay hold of the communication between elbow grease sophistication (X1) with worker accomplishment (Y). The one-fifth possibility deposit forward-moving state of affairs changeable worker dependability (Z) is a arbitrator changeable that lay hold of the communication betweenWork drilling (X2)with worker performance(Y).


Work Culture, Work Discipline, Employee Loyalty and Employee Performance



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10.29099/ijair.v6i1.2.891 Abstract views : 411 | PDF views : 14




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