Extractive Text Summarization of Student Essay Assignment Using Sentence Weight Features and Fuzzy C-Means

(1) * I Made Suwija Putra Mail (Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia)
(2) Yonatan Adiwinata Mail (Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia)
(3) Desy Purnami Singgih Putri Mail (Graduate School of Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kanazawa University, Japan)
(4) Ni Putu Sutramiani Mail (Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


One of the main tasks of a lecturer is to give students an academic assessment in the learning process. The assessment process begins with reading or checking the answers of student assignments that contain a combination of very long sentences such as essay or report assignments. This certainly takes a lot of time to get the primary information contained therein. It is necessary to summarize the answers so that the lecturer does not need to read the whole document but is still able to take the essence of the response to the task. This study proposes the application of summarizing text documents of student essay assignments automatically using the Fuzzy C-Means method with the sentence weighting feature. The sentence weighting feature is used by selecting the sentence with the highest weight in one cluster, helping the system to get the primary information from a document quickly. The results of this study indicate that the system succeeds in summarizing text with an average evaluation of the values of precision, recall, accuracy, and F-measure of 0.52, 0.54, 0.70, and 0.52, respectively.One of the main tasks of a lecturer is to give students an academic assessment in the learning process. The assessment process begins with reading or checking the answers of student assignments that contain a combination of very long sentences such as essay or report assignments. This certainly takes a lot of time to get the primary information contained therein. It is necessary to summarize the answers so that the lecturer does not need to read the whole document but is still able to take the essence of the response to the task. This study proposes the application of summarizing text documents of student essay assignments automatically using the Fuzzy C-Means method with the sentence weighting feature. The sentence weighting feature is used by selecting the sentence with the highest weight in one cluster, helping the system to get the primary information from a document quickly. The results of this study indicate that the system succeeds in summarizing text with an average evaluation of the values of precision, recall, accuracy, and F-measure of 0.52, 0.54, 0.70, and 0.52, respectively.


Text Summarization; Essay Assignments; Weight Sentences; Fuzzy C-Means




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