Intelligent Traffic Monitoring Systems: Vehicle Type Classification Using Support Vector Machine

(1) * Ika Candradewi Mail (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
(2) Agus Harjoko Mail (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
(3) Bakhtiar Alldino Ardi Sumbodo Mail (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


In the automation of vehicle traffic monitoring system, information about the type of vehicle, it is essential because used in the process of further analysis as management of traffic control lights. Currently, calculation of the number of vehicles is still done manually. Computer vision applied to traffic monitoring systems could present data more complete and update.

In this study consists of three main stages, namely Classification, Feature Extraction, and Detection. At stage vehicle classification used multi-class SVM method to evaluate characteristics of the object into eight classes (LV-TK, LV-Mobil, LV-Mikrobis, MHV-TS, MHV-BS, HV-LB, HV- LT, MC). Features are obtained from the detection object, processed on the feature extraction stage to get features of geometry, HOG, and LBP in the detection stage of the vehicle used MOG method combined with HOG-SVM to get an object in the form of a moving vehicle and does not move. SVM had the advantage of detail and based statistical computing. Geometry, HOG, and LBP characterize complex and represents an object in the form of the gradient and local histogram.

The test results demonstrate the accuracy of the calculation of the number of vehicles at the stage of vehicle detection is 92%, with the parameters HOG cellSize 4x4, 2x2 block size, the son of vehicle classification 9. The test results give the overall mean recognition rate 91,31 %, mean precision rate 77,32 %, and mean recall rate 75,66 %.



SVM; Vehicle Classification



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10.29099/ijair.v5i1.201 Abstract views : 1035 | PDF views : 200




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