Prediction of Scholarship Recipients Using Hybrid Data Mining Method with Combination of K-Means and C4.5 Algorithms

(1) * Mardison Mardison Mail (Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang, Indonesia)
(2) Sarjon Defit Mail (Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang, Indonesia)
(3) Shaza Alturky Mail (Aleppo University, Syrian Arab Republic)
*corresponding author


Obtaining a scholarship is the desire of every student or student who studies, especially those who come from poor families. The scholarship can lighten the burden on parents who pay for these students and can streamline the lecture process. However, students do not know exactly what they have to do to get the scholarship. Aside from that, students naturally want to know what causes and conditions have the greatest impact on achievement. The objective of this research is how to predict which number of students among them are predicted to get a scholarship at the opening of the scholarship acceptance using the K-Means and C4.5 methods. Apart from that, the aim of this research is to discover how the K-Means algorithm conducts data clustering (clustering) of student data to determine if they will succeed or not, as well as how the C4.5 algorithm makes predictions against students who have been clustered together. The Rapid Miner program version 9.7.002 was used to process the data in this report. The results of this study were that out of 100 students, 32 students were not scholarship recipients and 68 students were scholarship recipients. Another result of this research is that out of 100 students it is predicted that 9 (9%) will receive scholarships and 91 (91%) will not receive scholarships.


Hybrid Data Mining K-Means Algorithm C4.5 Algorithm Scholarship Recipient



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