*corresponding author
AbstractIn the case of handling the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, there is a 3T (Testing, Tracing, Treatment) movement promoted by the government to reduce the impact of the spread and transmission of Covid-19. For tracing, there are currently no Information Technology-based applications or services that can assist the public in simulating the tracing of the spread of Covid-19 from one location to another location and providing disaster mitigation education to users through suggestions provided by the application after the tracking process. For this reason, this study was designed and implemented using a web-based Artificial Intelligence (Breadth-First Search) algorithm called Indonesia BFS Covid-19 (IBC). This research uses Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) and tested using BlackBox Testing. From the testing results, it is concluded that the application can simulate the process of tracing the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia well based on the starting point and destination, and users can gain an understanding of disaster mitigation education from the advice given by the post-tracing application, as part of 3T, to help decide the impact of the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia. KeywordsBreadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm; Covid-19; IBC Tracer; Online tracing; Web-based application
DOIhttps://doi.org/10.29099/ijair.v6i1.246 |
Article metrics10.29099/ijair.v6i1.246 Abstract views : 834 | PDF views : 203 |
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