
Issue Title
Vol 7, No 1.1 (2023) Factor Analysis Of Increasing Elderly Tourist Satisfaction At Bogor Botanical Garden Abstract  PDF
Rehulina Apriyanti, Armaini Akhirson, Rosliyana Perangin Angin
Vol 7, No 1.1 (2023) Marketing Information Systems in the Context of Building WOM Marketing Through Service Quality, Institutional Image and Customer Satisfaction in Higher Education Abstract  PDF
Tri Endang Yani, Aprih Santoso, Totok Wibisono, Diah Cori Kuswardani
Vol 7, No 1.1 (2023) Marketing Information Systems in the Context of Building WOM Marketing Through Service Quality, Institutional Image and Customer Satisfaction in Higher Education Abstract  PDF
Tri Endang Yani, Aprih Santoso, Totok Wibisono, DC Kuswardani
Vol 8, No 1.1 (2024) The Influence Of Brand Image, Promotion And Product Quality On Purchase Decisions For Ardeponds Indonesia (Case Study Of Ardeponds Indonesia Skincare In Pulogadung District) Abstract  PDF
Yusuf Suhardi, Dadang Munandar, Dian Surya Sampurna, Meita Pragiwani, Diana Diana
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