Progress in Non-Invasive Cognitive Brain-Computer Interface and Implications for Mind-Uploading

(1) * I Wayan Aswin Dew Astawa Mail (Faculty of Information Technology, Master of Information Systems, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia)
(2) Hindriyanto Dwi Purnomo Mail (Faculty of Information Technology, Master of Information Systems, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia)
(3) Irwan Sembiring Mail (Faculty of Information Technology, Master of Information Systems, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


Mind-uploading, the vision of transferring human consciousness into a digital realm, relies on a profound comprehension of the brain and cutting-edge technology. Non-invasive cognitive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) offer a promising avenue for delving into neural activity and bridging the brain-machine gap. This research explores the potential of non-invasive cognitive BCI in realizing mind-uploading through a systematic literature review (SLR), analyzing recent research that focuses on its current progress and implications for mind-uploading. The SLR unveils significant strides in non-invasive cognitive BCI, demonstrating increased precision in recording and decoding cognitive processes and fostering a deeper understanding of these processes. This progress is attributed to a diverse range of emerging feature extraction and decoding methods, transforming subtle neural signals into interpretable commands. Notably, advancements in signal processing and neuroimaging techniques enhance communication speed and clarity between the brain and computer. Furthermore, the development of cost-effective methods, frameworks, and hardware holds the promise of broader accessibility to BCI technology. However, significant hurdles remain. The computational demands of current cognitive BCI systems pose a substantial challenge, while the scarcity of high-quality training datasets hampers algorithm development and accuracy. The poor signal quality causes difficulties in recording neural complexity and hampers accuracy. In conclusion, non-invasive cognitive BCI has significant potential to pave the way for mind-uploading. However, its limitations, make their capabilities remain insufficient to fully realize this ambitious vision. This highlights the critical need for sustained research and innovation to bridge the gap between current understanding and the exciting realm of mind-uploading.


Mind-Uploading, Whole Brain Emulation, Non-Invasive Cognitive BCI, Progress of Non-Invasive Cognitive BCI, Limitation of Non-Invasive Cognitive BCI



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The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

Organized by: Departemen Teknik Informatika
Published by: STMIK Dharma Wacana
Jl. Kenanga No.03 Mulyojati 16C Metro Barat Kota Metro Lampung


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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.