Smart Contract Blockchain Application Design Based on The Distribution of Product Return Transaction Data

(1) * Ratna Ekawati Mail (Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University, Indonesia)
(2) Yandra Arkeman Mail (Department of Argo-Industrial Engineering IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor, Indonesia)
(3) Suprihatinr Suprihatinr Mail (Department of Argo-Industrial Engineering IPB University, Dramaga, Bogor, Indonesia)
*corresponding author


In 2020, there will be 1% bulk sugar product returns. Direct return to warehouse; it is not known how much and what kind of sugar was returned. Changes in the number of uncontrolled product availability occur in the logistics sector. We designed a sugar volume return mechanism to verify the identity of the buyer, the amount and time of the transaction, using the steps of investigation, analysis, and system design that can implement. The application is based on the truffle test framework and smart contracts on the Ropsten test network on the Ethereum Metamask platform wallet, localhost memory, and a decentralized web-based dashboard. Input data on the smart contract so that during the Ropsten net test process, it will generate blocks, hash codes, and contract hashes as transaction details. It also displays a summary report and a blockchain transaction dashboard. How much volume will increase or decrease due to returns, buyers, type of sugar commodity, time, and volume of sugar during data transactions is known. The features developed for smart contracts are private, semi-public transactions with consensus proof of work as validation and verification of the success of transaction data records.


Blockchain application, Distribution transaction data, Return sugar product, Smart contract



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10.29099/ijair.v6i1.263 Abstract views : 1178 | PDF views : 230




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